
The Top Signs Your Furnace Is on the Fritz

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The winter months can get bitterly cold at times in the Broken Arrow area, so it’s important to make sure you have reliable heat. How do you know if your furnace might need repairs? If you’re experiencing any of the following furnace problems, you should schedule repairs.

Cold Air Blowing Out

Your furnace should be warming up your home, so you should feel heated air coming out of your vents when it’s on. Cold air coming out of the vents when your furnace is running could mean that there’s a problem with the motor, heat exchanger, or another component. A skilled technician can determine the cause of this problem and get it repaired.

Odd Sounds

Furnaces make some noise when they’re running, which you’re probably used to hearing. If you’ve been hearing unfamiliar or odd noises, such as squeals or rattling, you’ll need to have your furnace inspected and repaired as needed. Odd sounds can indicate that your furnace has a loose part that needs to be tightened or that there could be a more serious problem that needs to be fixed.

Higher Heating Bills

You probably have a good idea of how much your heating bills typically cost. While natural gas and electric prices can fluctuate, you shouldn’t be seeing significant increases in your heating bills. If your bills have been going up more than usual, this can mean that your furnace isn’t able to heat your home efficiently. Having repairs and maintenance done should correct this, but you might need to have an older furnace replaced if this keeps happening.

Yellow Pilot Light

If the pilot light on your gas furnace is yellow, this can indicate a carbon monoxide leak. You should shut your furnace off right away, call for service, and leave your home until it’s safe to go back. Keep in mind that your gas furnace should have a blue pilot light when it’s working properly.

If you’re having furnace problems at your Broken Arrow home, contact Air Assurance today for prompt service.