HVAC System

How Does Return Air Work to Your Advantage?

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Your HVAC system serves the valuable purpose of keeping your home comfortable throughout the year. Your HVAC system is complex and relies on multiple parts to function correctly. One part of your HVAC system you should never overlook is the return air vent. These return air vents serve several purposes and help your HVAC system run effectively and efficiently.

What a Return Air Vent Does

Your return air vents help cycle the air in your home back to the central HVAC system for reheating or recooling the air before it is cycled through your home. These vents also serve other valuable purposes.

  • Improves Efficiency and Reduces Cost. A functional return vent is a key part of an efficient HVAC system, and if it has any issues, you should have them addressed by a professional. When your return vent is not working properly, air cannot be cycled correctly, and this can result in increased energy costs due to your HVAC system having to run longer and work harder.

  • Controls Air Pressure. The return vent controls the air pressure in your home by pulling air into the HVAC system as the system pushes heated or cooled air outward and cycles it into your home. A working vent helps keep this air cycle flowing and keeps the air pressure in your home steady.

  • Improves Air Quality. Your return vent helps improve your home’s indoor air quality. The air in your home can easily collect airborne irritants such as dust, pollen, and pet dander. Your return vent cleans the air by filtering it before it is cycled back to your HVAC system.

When You Need the Best in HVAC Servicing

When you need HVAC servicing in Broken Arrow, we know you have several HVAC service providers and experts to choose from. At Air Assurance, we're dedicated to providing you the best in HVAC service and customer care. Contact us today to learn more. We welcome your business.