
Why Is There Sometimes Furnace Leakage in Your Home?

If you notice a puddle of water forming around your furnace, you probably have furnace leakage. There are several reasons why your furnace may leak water. What you should do to remedy the issue varies from one situation to another. Noted below are the common reasons for furnace leakage, along with their solutions.

Blocked Drain Line

A high-efficiency furnace creates condensation when releasing exhaust gases. The condensation drains into either a floor drain or a condensate pump. A clogged drain line can make the condensate back up and create a furnace leak. A professional can inspect and clean out the drain line. Meanwhile, consider wrapping a rag around the drain line's end and sweeping out anything blocking it.

Malfunctioning Condensate Pump

Condensate pumps mostly last between three and five years. After this period, they may fail to function optimally. A malfunctioning pump may make the water back up, potentially resulting in furnace leakage. You'll need to schedule a professional furnace inspection.

Dirty Filter

When your filter plugs up, your furnace is forced to work harder to push heated air to different areas of your home. Condensation buildup may occur around the filter and eventually leak onto the floor. You'll need to clean or replace the filter.

Issues with the Secondary Heat Exchanger

High-efficiency furnaces have secondary heat exchangers. The flue or exhaust gas undergoes additional heat exchange here, forming water vapor. A problem with the secondary heat exchanger, such as a calcium carbonate clog, can cause increased condensation on the floor below. A professional will have to inspect the heat exchanger.

Vent Pipe Blockage

Clogs in the vent pipe that leads outside can cause a furnace leak. Fixing the problem will require the assistance of a trained HVAC technician.

Ignoring a furnace leak could lead to bigger problems, such as mold growth, health problems, and property damage. If you need help fixing furnace leakage or any other HVAC issue in the Broken Arrow area, don't hesitate to contact the trained professionals at Air Assurance.