HVAC System

Learn How BTUs Work Inside Your Home's HVAC System

When you're in the market for a new HVAC system, you'll encounter the abbreviation "BTU." Understanding this term is crucial to ensuring that you get the right HVAC system for your home's comfort and energy-efficiency needs. Read on to learn more about how BTUs work.

What Is BTU?

BTU, or British Thermal Unit, is a heat-energy measurement. A BTU is equal to the energy used to heat 1 pound of water by 1 degree. A BTU is relatively small. However, the BTU rating of appliances such as HVAC systems is in the thousands. For example, a furnace may be rated at 100,000 BTU.

BTUs help reveal the performance of an HVAC system. The BTU rating of HVAC equipment indicates the amount of energy a furnace or heat pump uses to generate heat or an air-conditioning system uses to absorb heat from your home's air and take it outside.

The Right BTUs for Your HVAC System

BTU helps you determine the type of HVAC system you need for your home. Getting an HVAC system without considering its BTU rating can significantly downgrade your comfort and increase energy bills. The square footage of the space to be heated or cooled is a key consideration in choosing the correct BTU rating.

Getting an HVAC system with too many BTUs for a house your size will lead to the equipment short-cycling and wasting energy. Short cycling can damage the equipment and shorten its life span.

Due to how BTUs work, HVAC equipment with too few BTUs for your space also presents its own set of problems. The equipment won't have enough cooling or heating capacity to cool or heat your home effectively. Besides causing comfort problems, the equipment may run nonstop as it strains to serve your indoor spaces, costing you more in utility bills.

Based on how BTUs work, it's essential that you get an HVAC system with the BTUs that your home needs. A local HVAC professional will assess your home and give you accurate, expert recommendations. If you need quality HVAC installation, repair, or maintenance services in the Broken Arrow area or want to learn more about how BTUs work, don't hesitate to contact us at Air Assurance for assistance.