Air Conditioning

The Effects of Not Changing Your AC Filters Regularly

Changing your AC filters is an important part of keeping your HVAC equipment in good shape, but it’s easy to forget to do it. What happens if you don’t replace your AC filters regularly? Learn more about how filters that are dirty or worn can affect your Broken Arrow home.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Air filters remove pollen, dust, and other harmful particles from your home’s indoor air. However, they need to be clean in order to do this effectively. When you have dirty filters, they won’t be able to trap these particles and stop them from getting into various parts of your home through your vents. This results in lower indoor air quality (IAQ) in your home.

Higher Energy Bills

Clean filters help ensure that your HVAC system has good airflow and runs as efficiently as possible. When these filters become dirty, this forces your AC to run more often and work harder to cool your home. Since it’s using more energy, this can cause your electric bills to increase significantly.

HVAC Damage

Airflow problems can lead to serious damage to your HVAC system. Keep in mind that clogged or dirty filters can result in damage to many parts of your HVAC equipment, resulting in costly repairs. Clean filters help prevent damage and excessive wear and tear.

Shorter HVAC Life Span

Damage from dirty air filters can shorten the life span of your equipment. This means you’ll need to replace the whole system sooner than expected. Changing filters regularly helps ensure that your HVAC system reaches its normal life span.

When to Change Your AC Filters

How often should you change filters to prevent problems in your home? You should check them once a month to see if they’re clogged or dirty. Replace them with new filters if needed. At a minimum, you should plan to replace your filters every few months. However, you might need to do this more often if you have pets or if anyone in your home smokes.

If you need HVAC maintenance or recommendations for AC filters, please contact Air Assurance. Our HVAC team in Broken Arrow can help ensure that your equipment runs efficiently.