
Featured, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

What Houseplants Can Improve Air Quality?

What Houseplants Can Improve Air Quality? | Air Assurance

Improving the indoor air quality in your Broken Arrow home means you’ll have healthier air to breathe. This can reduce breathing problems and other respiratory symptoms that air pollutants can cause. One of the easiest ways to make the air in your home cleaner is by getting a few houseplants to help remove indoor air pollutants. Certain kinds of plants are great at removing formaldehyde, benzene, and other pollutants that get into the air in your home from wood finishes, furniture and other household objects.

Garden Mums

These colorful flowers get rid of several pollutants that can make the air in your home unhealthy, including formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, and xylene. Mums are easy to care for, and you can move them to an outside garden when they’re done blooming.

Bamboo Palm

These plants are ideal if you have a home with higher ceilings, since they can grow to be up to 12 feet high. Bamboo plants help filter out a few pollutants that are commonly found in homes, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene, providing you with improved indoor air quality.

Boston Fern

These plants do best in environments with higher levels of humidity and indirect sunlight. Boston ferns help remove xylene and formaldehyde from homes, as long as they’re kept in moist soil.

Lady Palm

Lady palms, which are easy to grow, add a touch of elegance to homes. These tree-like plants help clear the air of ammonia, which can get into your home from dyes, cleaning products, and some types of textiles.

Golden Pothos

These vines grow fast, making them ideal for indoor hanging baskets. Golden pothos, which have dark green and gold leaves, can get rid of formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide.

Wax Begonia

These vividly colored flowering houseplants, which come in pink, red or white, need plenty of sunlight. They’re known for removing benzene and toluene, an air pollutant that comes from certain kinds of adhesives and waxes.

If you need help improving the indoor air quality of your Broken Arrow home, please contact Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “imnoom/Shutterstock”

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Did You Know That a Simple Houseplant Can Improve IAQ?

Did You Know That a Simple Houseplant Can Improve IAQ?

Clean air is a premium product these days. From exhaust fumes to chemical based cleaning products, our homes and businesses often become closed air chambers of harmful microbes and allergens. Poor indoor air quality can lead to respiratory irritations and even diseases, yet the importance of clean indoor air is often forgotten.A good starting point would be to have your IAQ tested. Improving ventilation, improving circulation and installing an air purifier are commons ways of increasing indoor air quality. Did you know a houseplant can improve IAQ too?Mother-in-law’s Tongue, in Your BathroomBathrooms are often more enclosed than other rooms in your home. The bathroom's damp and usually dark and windowless environment make for harsh conditions for most plants. The Mother-in-Law’s tongue however is perfect for those conditions. This houseplant can improve IAQ in your bathroom as it thrives in damp and darker rooms.English Ivy, In Your Wash Room (or near your animal’s litter-box)If you have pets you have an additional source of potential air contamination. Some animals that produce waste indoors, for example in a litter-box or a cage, release bits of fecal matter into the air. If your washroom has a litter-box or your children have a pet rodent, add an English Ivy plant in the vicinity. Recent research shows that this houseplant can improve IAQ by removing a large amount of airborne fecal matter particles.Golden Pothos (Devil’s Ivy), in Your Car GarageTo remove the toxic fumes from car exhaust Devil’s Ivy is the plant purifier for the job. For this reason this houseplant can improve IAQ and is a great plant to put into your car garage to improve its air quality. Another benefit is that Devil's Ivy grows well in dark environments and will even retain its green leaves.There are many more ways to improve your IAQ. If you would like more information about improving IAQ contact Air Assurance. We are also able insure that your ventilation system is clean and help you change and install filters to further maintain a high IAQ in your home.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “KPG Payless2/Shutterstock”