variable-speed blower motor


Is a Condensing Gas Furnace for Your Tulsa Home?

Is a Condensing Gas Furnace for Your Tulsa Home?

The cost of fuel for home heating is always on the radar screen, especially during bear winters like homeowners in the Tulsa area experienced this year. If it’s time to replace your old furnace, learn how a new condensing gas furnace can take the bite out of heating bills.

Condensing Gas Furnace

A condensing gas furnace can deliver more than 98 AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency), which is the estimated percentage of fuel converted to usable heat for the home. New conventional furnaces get around 80 to 85 AFUE, while very old furnaces may only get 65 to 75 AFUE.

So, if you are looking to replace a very old furnace, you can count on substantial fuel savings. These are the components that drive 98 AFUE:

  • A modulating gas valve adjusts heating output, just like you can adjust the flame on a gas stove -- except of course the furnace gas valve is automatic. A modulating gas valve, in conjunction with a variable-speed blower, monitors and adjusts heating output in increments as small as 1 percent. That is precise comfort.

  • A variable-speed blower motor adjusts airflow to match the heating load at any given moment. This offers greater efficiency, greater comfort with smooth, even temperatures and quieter operation.

  • Two heat exchangers provide exceptional heating efficiency by extracting nearly 100 percent (98 AFUE) of heat energy from hot exhaust gases inside the second heat exchanger.

  • A sealed combustion chamber uses direct vent air intake, which means only outside air is used for fuel combustion. Why burn the household air you’ve already paid to heat? Sealed air intake and exhaust also safeguards against carbon monoxide back-drafting.

Return on Investment

The lifetime cost of a furnace is the purchase and installation price, plus estimated maintenance, repairs and fuel consumption for the life of the system. This is the true measure of a furnace investment -- not just the sticker price. Ask your HVAC professional to perform a cost analysis of potential installs to see which new furnace system is right for you.

For more information about a condensing gas furnace, please contact Air Assurance today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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