Featured, Preventative Maintenance

DIY and Professional HVAC Maintenance Tasks

DIY and Professional HVAC Maintenance Tasks

An HVAC system is a big investment. One of the best ways to protect your investment is to perform periodic HVAC maintenance. While a good portion of HVAC maintenance should be done by professionals, there are certain tasks you can do yourself.

DIY HVAC Maintenance

For example, your outdoor unit requires clear air flow to function properly. By doing some simple maintenance, you can prevent air flow problems.

  • Trim back plants. It's best to keep a two-foot perimeter around your outdoor unit where plants aren't allowed to grow up past the base of the unit. Keep grass trimmed down and cut back any other opportunistic plant life that tries to spring up.

  • Remove debris. Grass clippings, old leaves, and other objects that block air flow should be swept or raked away whenever they build up.

  • Clean condenser fins. The fins that allow air to flow into your unit tend to catch dust. With the unit off, gently vacuum the fins clean to reduce the amount of dust that gets into your system.

Another DIY task you can do is to clean or replace your air filter. The air filter protects your system from the dust, pollen, and other particles in your air. By changing the filter every one to three months, you can help your system last longer and improve the quality of your home's indoor air.

Professional HVAC Maintenance

In addition to the maintenance tasks you can do yourself, there are certain jobs that should be done by professionals. A trained HVAC technician will not only make sure your system is working properly, but he can also frequently catch problems before they get out of hand.Professional maintenance will address the following areas:

  • Refrigerant levels. The technician will check for leaks and make sure you have the appropriate amount of refrigerant for your system.

  • Part lubrication. The technician will inspect the moving parts of your system and provide lubrication as needed.

  • Electrical connections. The technician will inspect and tighten electrical connections as needed.

Interested in learning more about HVAC maintenance? Contact Air Assurance, your Broken Arrow area HVAC experts.

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