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Air Conditioning, Featured

Watch Out for These 3 A/C Condensate Drain Problems

Watch Out for These 3 A/C Condensate Drain Problems

You might be surprised to learn that your home's central air conditioning system is more than a cooling system. If it's working properly, it also should also dehumidify your home. As a result of this two-fold function, all that moisture removed from the air has to go someplace. In most systems, the water drains away without any issues, though in some systems, A/C condensate drain problems can arise. Following are some of the most common.


In a properly operating A/C drainage system, moisture removed from indoor air during the cooling process will drip from the evaporator coil into a collection pan. It then flows through a condensate drain line to the household sewage drainage system and then out of the house. The collection pan and condensate drain provide a welcoming environment for algae growth. The algae can clog the drain line, resulting in water backing up, overflowing the collection pan and flooding the area around the evaporator coil. This can damage floors, walls, carpets, fixtures and belongings, and the homeowner may not find out about the water backup until it's too late. If your A/C is equipped with an overflow sensor, it will shut down the system until the clog is addressed.

Drain Trap Problems

In most central A/Cs, the condensate drain line has a U-shaped trap, similar to the traps you see in toilet plumbing. Its purpose is to keep sewer gases and fumes from backing up into the house. If you start smelling nasty odors coming from air conditioning supply registers, it could mean a problem with the drain trap. You'll want to call a plumber or A/C technician ASAP.

Mold Growth

Mold spores love the dark, damp area around an A/C's condensate collection pan and drain. From there, mold can make an easy jump into household air during the cooling process. This creates a health hazard for home occupants, especially those with allergies and other respiratory conditions.

To prevent common A/C condensate drain problems, please contact us at Air Assurance to schedule preventive maintenance on your Tulsa area home's cooling system.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Mark Hayes/Shutterstock”

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality Need Improvement for Spring? These Upgrades Can Help

Indoor Air Quality Need Improvement for Spring? These Upgrades Can Help

Indoor Air Quality Need Improvement for Spring? These Upgrades Can Help

With the arrival of spring, many residents of Broken Arrow dread the simultaneous arrival of spring allergies. But you don’t have to remain a victim to outdoor allergens. These indoor air quality upgrades can help you make your home a safe haven where you can find refuge from allergy triggers.Use ventilation

A mechanical ventilation system boosts air circulation in the home. Through a vent that supplies fresh air, and a vent that exhausts old, stale air, a ventilation system employs fans to boost the rate of air exchange, driving pollutants out of the home. This type of system is especially useful in tight homes that have little natural ventilation to drive pollutants out.

Try dehumidification

If allergy symptoms are triggered by molds or bacteria, allergens that thrive in humid conditions, installing a dehumidification may help to control relative humidity, and prevent conditions in the home that encourage the replication of microorganisms. For humidity control in the entire home, consider a whole-house dehumidifier.

Use filtration

You can also use your air conditioner’s air filter to your advantage to improve indoor air quality. Choose a high-quality filter with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating in the 8 to 11 range. These filters trap a higher percentage of smaller particles, without negatively affecting airflow. Change the filter regularly over the season, at least once a month, or even more often.

Employ an air cleaner

Give indoor air quality a boost with an air cleaner that targets the specific allergens that trigger allergy symptoms. Choose from whole-house ultraviolet light systems, electronic air cleaners, air purifiers or high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) systems that target pollutants in the entire home. An air quality professional can help you identify the systems that best suit your needs, and conduct air-quality testing to determine which pollutants are present.

Air Assurance Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing has served homeowners in greater Broken Arrow for more than 30 years. If you’d like indoor air quality testing, or assistance selecting an air cleaner or ventilation system, get in touch with our indoor air quality experts, or visit our website.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Air Conditioning, Service & Maintenance

Solve Last Summer's A/C Problems Prior to This Year's Cooling Season

Solve Last Summer's A/C Problems Prior to This Year's Cooling Season

Solve Last Summer's A/C Problems Prior to This Year's Cooling Season

Before it gets hot in Tulsa, it's a good idea to prepare your A/C for the cooling season. For you, this may mean addressing an issue that developed last year but wasn't serious enough to cause a breakdown. If the issue continues to go unresolved, this could be the summer your A/C fails. It's best to get in touch with your trusted A/C professional and schedule a tune-up and maintenance check. So what are some of the problems that can undermine A/C operation? Here are a few:

  • Fan and compressor controls can wear out. Wiring and terminals can also become corroded. Your HVAC tech will check the controls during your tune-up and clean and tighten the wiring and terminals.

  • The refrigerant charge can be incorrect. This can severely impede your air conditioner's performance. Your HVAC tech will measure the refrigerant and correct any deficiency. He'll also check for refrigerant leaks.

  • The air filter can become clogged. Change the air filter at the start of the cooling season, and check it regularly after that. Change it as soon as it looks dirty, as a clogged filter can severely restrict airflow.

  • The condensate drain can become clogged. Your HVAC tech will check it during your tune-up. But you should check it, as well, throughout the cooling season.

  • It could be that your air conditioning issue has nothing to do with your cooling system, but with your ductwork instead. Your HVAC tech should check for any leaks in your duct system and repair them as needed. Alternatively, check your ducts yourself and make the necessary repairs, using mastic and mesh. While you're at it, check all your registers, and make sure they're free of obstructions.

For quality assistance in solving last summer's A/C problems before the start of this year's cooling season, contact Air Assurance.  We've been serving homeowners in Broken Arrow and greater Tulsa since 1985.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Air Conditioning, Furnaces, Planned Maintenance, Service & Maintenance

Will Your Furnace Make It Through Another Winter? Now's A Good Time To Answer That Question

If your furnace huffed and puffed its way to the finish line this past winter and you're not sure it's up to the challenges of another heating season, right now is an excellent time to replace it. Acting early is a great way to beat the rush that will come when fall rolls around.When it comes to furnaces, here are some telltale signs that it's time to think about getting a new one:

  • If your furnace is 15 years old or older, it's probably not running as efficiently as it once did, no matter how well you've maintained it. Replacing furnaces that are this old is strongly recommended.

  • Count up the number of times you've had to have your furnace serviced in the past two or three years. If it totals an average of once a year or more, you're probably spending as much on repairs as you would on a replacement.

  • This past winter, did you notice that certain rooms in your home were too hot, or that others weren't hot enough? Uneven heating patterns are a sign that it may be time for a new furnace.

  • Was the air in your home too dry this past winter? If so, it could be a sign that your aging equipment isn't operating at peak efficiency and should be replaced.

  • Did your furnace make a lot of clanging, banging and whirring noises when it was last used? These types of sounds are strong indicators of impending mechanical breakdowns.

The furnaces being manufactured today operate with far better efficiency than those that were made even ten years ago, so upgrading makes even more sense when considered from a home energy savings standpoint.At Air Assurance, we offer a wide range of furnaces to customers in all budget ranges, and we're happy to help you make a choice that's right for the size and layout of your home. If you'd like to learn more about our furnaces or want to get a price quote on a specific model, please don't hesitate to contact us. We serve customers throughout northeastern Oklahoma.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!