
Featured, HVAC system

Quality Repair vs. Replace in Tulsa?

Quality Heating & Cooling services in Tulsa

Quality Heating & Cooling services in Tulsa

At Air Assurance, we undestand it's one of the most difficult decisions a homeowner will have to make — whether to have a quality repair on an old HVAC system or bite the bullet and replace it. But how do you decide the quality repair vs. replace dilemma, in the Tulsa Oklahoma market? Ask the following questions to determine whether to repair that old A/C or furnace one more time, or replace it entirely.

How old is your system?

Experts tend to agree that a combustion furnace reaches the end of its service life between 15–20 years, while an A/C or heat pump is closer to 10–15.

Are other factors affecting the longevity of your HVAC system?

Where you live and its climate will have a big effect on how many years you get out of a furnace or A/C. A furnace, for instance, will last longer in a Southern climate, while an A/C will last longer in a Northern climate where it's not running 24/7). Professional maintenance is another important factor. A well-maintained HVAC system can be expected to last longer than one that has been neglected. A system with proper air filter maintenance also will last longer.

Is your older system breaking down a lot?

This is usually a good sign that an "experienced" HVAC system is nearing the end of its service life. At a certain point, you'll have to decide whether it's time to quit throwing good money after bad, and go ahead and invest in a new high-efficiency furnace, A/C, or heat pump.

Are you energy bills going up?

If your utility bills are rising and there's no obvious reason, such as a more severe winter, utility rate increases, or some other household use that's consuming power, the culprit might be an older HVAC system that no longer operates as efficiently as it used to. Investing in a new high-efficiency furnace, A/C, or heat pump system, fortunately, can start a new era of lower energy costs, eventually reimbursing you for much of the cost of that new HVAC system.

To discuss the repair vs. replace question in your Broken Arrow home, please contact us at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Geralt/Pixabay”

Featured, HVAC system

Your FAQs About HVAC Systems Answered

Your FAQs About HVAC Systems Answered

Your HVAC system needs your help in order to function at its best. Many homeowners understandably don’t know where to begin. Here are answers to common HVAC questions.

What Kind of Filter Should I Buy?

The filter has two jobs. It needs to prevent particles from getting into your HVAC system and harming the components, and it should improve indoor air quality. For these reasons, you should choose high-quality filters.Most filter ratings are based on MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value), a scale that indicates how well the filter can trap particles of various sizes. Higher MERV numbers mean that the filter captures more particles.

However, this doesn’t mean you should reach for the highest number. Most residential systems can operate efficiently with filters rated up to MERV 13. Filters in the higher range than that can restrict airflow to the system, which reduces efficiency and can cause mechanical failure. It is best to speak with your HVAC contractor to determine the filter most compatible with your system. Until then, use filters within the MERV 7 to 13 ranges.

Do My Home’s Ducts Need to Be Cleaned?

If you are having air quality problems or your ducts haven't been cleaned in years, then you should schedule duct cleaning. Clean ducts improve energy-efficiency, increase the life of the HVAC system and improve air quality.

Can I Increase the Energy Efficiency of My HVAC System?

Yes. Here is a list of what you can do:

  • Check the filters monthly.

  • Use a programmable thermostat so that you can easily adjust temperature for times when you are away from home.

  • Ensure your home has enough insulation.

  • Seal air leaks around doors, windows and other common sources of leakage.

When is the Best Time to Schedule Preventive Maintenance?

Schedule a maintenance visit in fall or early spring, before winter or summer are in full swing. For additional peace of mind, consider scheduling two a year – one in fall and another in spring.

For more information about your home’s HVAC system, please contact us at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “bahri-altay/Shutterstock”