repair vs replace

Featured, HVAC system

Quality Repair vs. Replace in Tulsa?

Quality Heating & Cooling services in Tulsa

Quality Heating & Cooling services in Tulsa

At Air Assurance, we undestand it's one of the most difficult decisions a homeowner will have to make — whether to have a quality repair on an old HVAC system or bite the bullet and replace it. But how do you decide the quality repair vs. replace dilemma, in the Tulsa Oklahoma market? Ask the following questions to determine whether to repair that old A/C or furnace one more time, or replace it entirely.

How old is your system?

Experts tend to agree that a combustion furnace reaches the end of its service life between 15–20 years, while an A/C or heat pump is closer to 10–15.

Are other factors affecting the longevity of your HVAC system?

Where you live and its climate will have a big effect on how many years you get out of a furnace or A/C. A furnace, for instance, will last longer in a Southern climate, while an A/C will last longer in a Northern climate where it's not running 24/7). Professional maintenance is another important factor. A well-maintained HVAC system can be expected to last longer than one that has been neglected. A system with proper air filter maintenance also will last longer.

Is your older system breaking down a lot?

This is usually a good sign that an "experienced" HVAC system is nearing the end of its service life. At a certain point, you'll have to decide whether it's time to quit throwing good money after bad, and go ahead and invest in a new high-efficiency furnace, A/C, or heat pump.

Are you energy bills going up?

If your utility bills are rising and there's no obvious reason, such as a more severe winter, utility rate increases, or some other household use that's consuming power, the culprit might be an older HVAC system that no longer operates as efficiently as it used to. Investing in a new high-efficiency furnace, A/C, or heat pump system, fortunately, can start a new era of lower energy costs, eventually reimbursing you for much of the cost of that new HVAC system.

To discuss the repair vs. replace question in your Broken Arrow home, please contact us at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Geralt/Pixabay”

HVAC System

How Do You Know When Replacement — and Not Repair — Is Your Best Option?

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If your heating or cooling components aren’t functioning up to standards, it might be time to make a choice between HVAC replacement and repair. Time passes, and furnaces and central air conditioners don’t last forever. The reliability and average service life of HVAC systems is constantly improving. However, mechanical issues or the simple passage of years takes their tolls eventually and causes you to consider your options. Here are some factors to think about when you’re faced with making a decision about HVAC replacement or repair:

  • Consider the age of the unit. A typical gas-fired furnace averages about 20 years before it's time to replace it. A central air conditioner lasts about 12 to 15 years. Another aspect to consider, however, is the unit’s efficiency life span. If you’re continuing to operate an aging furnace or A/C that is out of date as far as energy efficiency, you’re probably paying more for monthly electricity and/or gas bills than is necessary. By replacing a marginal, outdated unit now, rather than repairing it, you’ll start saving money every month.

  • What will it cost to fix it? Major HVAC repairs may not be the best option financially. It depends on the age of the unit and how much effective, efficient service life still remains. Certain repairs, such as a failing compressor in a central A/C or a cracked heat exchanger in a furnace, are so costly that they usually aren’t justifiable in a unit that has exceeded two-thirds of its life expectancy. At that point, replacement of the unit is a more viable option to get higher efficiency, increased reliability, and a new warranty.

  • Are you missing out on new technology? Current HVAC units incorporate advanced options not available in that older model still installed in your home. Wi-Fi connectivity, remote monitoring and control and smart systems that learn your household habits and temperature preferences are among the many benefits available by upgrading to new HVAC components now.

For professional advice when facing a decision about HVAC replacement or repair, contact Air Assurance.