
Air Conditioning

Best Heating and Cooling Options for Sunrooms

Best Heating and Cooling Options for Sunrooms

A sunroom or enclosed patio offers a great place to unwind, but this part of your home can get uncomfortably hot during the summer months. You don’t have to avoid using this area of your home when it’s hot out. Instead, learn more about sunroom HVAC solutions and other ways to keep this area cool.

Choose a Ductless Mini-Split HVAC System

A ductless mini-split HVAC system is one that is designed to be flexible, which makes them ideal for sunrooms and enclosed patios. With this type of HVAC system, you don’t need to have ductwork installed or pay to have your current HVAC system extended into this part of your home. With a ductless mini-split system, you can easily control the temperature in your sunroom, which helps you save on your cooling bills.

Install a Ceiling Fan

If your sunroom doesn’t have a ceiling fan, consider having one installed. Ceiling fans don’t generate cold air for sunrooms, but they do move air around. This movement can help your skin feel cooler when you’re sitting in your sunroom, even on a hot summer day. You can also use portable fans for additional air movement if needed.

Add or Improve Insulation

Having the right amount of insulation in the ceiling of your sunroom helps cut down on the amount of heat that passes through it. Have an HVAC technician check your insulation to determine if you need more added. This should help your sunroom stay at a cooler temperature during summer.

Install Blinds or Shades

If you don’t have any window treatments in your sunroom, this lets more sunlight into this area. Putting blinds or shades on your sunroom windows allows you to control how much sunlight gets into this part of your home. Keeping the blinds or shades closed when the sun is facing those windows can help your sunroom feel cooler.

If you need more information on sunroom HVAC solutions for your home in Broken Arrow, please contact Air Assurance today. We provide dependable service that will help your sunroom stay cool and comfortable.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.


Surviving the Dog Days of Summer

Surviving the Dog Days of Summer

Keeping cool in the height of summer is important not only for your comfort but also your health. You can experience heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and other heat-related illnesses when temperatures reach unbearably high levels.Here are some tips to help you stay cool in the dog days of summer.

Get a portable fan

A fan increases air circulation and makes you feel cooler. For an even greater cooling effect, place a tray or bowl of ice in front of the blowing fan. Melting ice will cool the air around you.

Wear cotton clothing 

Light-colored, loose-fitting cotton clothing will make you feel cooler than many synthetic fabrics.

Alter your outdoor workout routine

Schedule your outdoor workouts for late evenings or early mornings to avoid direct sunlight. This will help you maintain healthy internal temperature levels while exercising. If it isn't possible to alter your workout times, consider scaling down your exercises by reducing your exertion levels or minutes of activity.

Stay hydrated

Drink cold glasses of water along with sports drinks that are low in sugar but high on electrolytes throughout the day. This will help lower your body temperature. Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you, so it's best to avoid them in the dog days of summer.

Avoid large meals

Metabolic heat is required for the digestion of food. Your body will warm up as it processes large meals. Eating small meals frequently can help you stay cooler.

Keep curtains and blinds closed

Blocking out sunlight during the day prevents your rooms from overheating.

Shower frequently

Take frequent showers or baths with cool water. It can be challenging to stay cool and comfortable in the dog days of summer. The above-mentioned tips will help make the heat less aggravating. For more tips on how to stay comfortable in the summer, please contact Air Assurance. Broken Arrow homeowners have counted on us for all their home comfort and efficiency needs since 1985.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

Air Conditioning

Why Your A/C Freezes in the Summer

Why Your A/C Freezes in the Summer

While ice on a hot summer day is usually a welcome sight, an A/C freeze isn’t. Ice formation on the indoor evaporator coil of your central air conditioner can eventually turn into a solid block, obstructing all airflow through the system. This can seriously damage expensive components such as the compressor. Since the evaporator coil is sealed inside the indoor air handler, you're usually unaware that ice is accumulating. The only noticeable signs may be warm air blowing from the A/C vents, automatic system shutdowns for no apparent reason, or water pooling on the floor around the air handler when the ice melts.Here are some common causes of an A/C freeze and what may be required to resolve them:

Dirty Air Filter

As the air filter clogs, system airflow is strangled. Low airflow through the evaporator coil reduces heat extraction and causes the coil temperature to drop from normal approximately 40 degrees to below freezing. Condensation on the coil then freezes and ice accumulation begins. To prevent low airflow, replace the filter monthly during the cooling season.

Insufficient Refrigerant

When refrigerant pressure in the system drops too low, the refrigerant vapor expands excessively and actually becomes colder. This, in turn, causes the evaporator coil temperature to drop below freezing and ice to form. Low refrigerant charge is usually traceable to a leak in the system that must be pinpointed and repaired by a qualified HVAC service tech. When the refrigerant charge is returned to specs, coil temperature should stay above freezing.

Dirty Coil

Dust and dirt particulates in the system airflow gradually accumulate on the coil. This inhibits heat extraction, allowing the coil temperature to fall below 32 degrees and ice formation to begin. Since the coil is mounted inside the air handler, it’s not accessible for DIY cleaning. Coil cleaning should be performed by a qualified professional. It’s also a standard part of regular annual preventive maintenance offered by your HVAC contractor.

Don't suffer due to an A/C freeze on a hot summer's day. Contact Air Assurance for fast professional service.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

Energy Savings

How Weather Affects Your Energy Bill

How Weather Affects Your Energy Bill

Americans spend about half their annual energy budget on keeping their homes comfortable, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The weather has a big impact on each month’s energy bill. When it’s mild, bills stay low. During extremes, daily energy use climbs.

Temperature and Humidity

The two aspects of summer weather that increases cooling costs include the air temperature and the humidity level. Of the two, it’s faster and easier for your A/C to remove the heat from dry air than it is to cool off hot, humid air. Keeping the humidity out of your home in the summer does help lower its cooling costs and keeps you more comfortable. Besides being energy-intensive to remove, humidity also increases discomfort indoors when it exceeds 50 percent.

The HVAC industry deals with the extra burden that humidity puts on cooling systems by consulting a software resource that identifies cooling systems better suited for humid climates. When replacing your current system, ask the HVAC contractor to verify that the new one can handle the area’s summertime humidity.

What You Can Do

If you find that your energy consumption is higher than you’d like it to be, making improvements that help your home resist heat transfer and air infiltration will help lower your energy bill and increase your comfort. Consider:

  • Adding insulation to the attic. The DOE recommends at least 10 inches in the attic for the best thermal control.

  • Using the kitchen and bathroom fans. Be careful not to run the fans too long. Although they’re small, they’re capable of pulling a lot of conditioned air out of your home.

  • Sealing the air leaks in your home’s exterior to prevent air infiltration that could raise the indoor humidity. Use caulk, expanding foam and weatherstripping around windows and doors, as well as entry points for pipes and wires.

  • Using specialty products like chimney pillows to stop air leaks from fireplace chimneys, or self-sealing dryer vents.

If your monthly energy bill seems too high, contact Air Assurance for an HVAC inspection. We provide HVAC services for Broken Arrow homeowners for more than 30 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

Featured, HVAC system

Keep Guests Cool at Summer Parties

Keep Guests Cool at Summer Parties

Summer parties are the best, but when guests are uncomfortable because of the sweltering heat, they can turn into a disaster. We'd hate to see that happen, so we've compiled some of our favorite tips to help you keep your guests cool:

Get a Checkup for Your HVAC System

Like clockwork, you should be scheduling a yearly inspection of your cooling system by an HVAC professional. This will keep your system running more efficiently for your guests (and you, of course) while prolonging its lifespan.

Change the Air Filter

If you want to keep your guests cool, then you need to make sure that your HVAC system is as efficient as possible. If the air filter is dirty, then that's not happening. Replace it at the beginning of the summer season and then get it replaced every 30 days or so after that, as needed.

Consider an Evening Party

Everyone loves a good BBQ in the middle of the day, but the heat might bother some guests. A great way to keep them cool during summer parties is by taking away the sun. No, they don't have an app for that, so your best bet is to schedule your party in the evening.

Serve Plenty of Liquids

Guests who become dehydrated are not only unhappy, but could be in serious danger. You can solve this problem by providing plenty of water and other refreshing drinks. This is essential if you're serving alcohol since those will add to the dehydration.

Provide Tons of Shade

If you prefer to have an outdoor party during the day, then you should ensure that your guests have plenty of shade to shield themselves from the summer sun. If your backyard is lacking, there are plenty of shading choices that can be set up and taken down for each get-together.

To schedule services to ensure your guests stay cool at summer parties, reach out to the professionals at Air Assurance. We've been serving the HVAC needs of Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas for more than 30 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

Energy Savings, Featured

Energy Saving Tips for Summer

Energy Saving Tips for Summer

After a fleeting spring, another energy-guzzling season is here: Summer, when air-conditioning costs threaten to break the bank. However, don't despair. There are many energy saving tips available for homes, and most of them are relatively simple to put into effect.Summer Energy Saving Tips

  • Program for savings. There's no reason why your A/C has to be cooling your home at a comfortable temperature 24/7. If you don't already have one, install a programmable thermostat, then set it to higher temperatures (low to mid-80s) for times when you're at work or away from home. Program the temperature to return to a cool and comfortable level shortly before you expect to arrive home.

  • Use ceiling fans. A ceiling fan can make the temperature in a room seem like it's several degrees lower than it actually is, as long as the fan is blowing air at people in the room. You can turn up the thermostat several degrees and save energy, while not sacrificing comfort. Just remember to turn off the fan when the room is empty. The fan's cooling effect is useless if nobody's around to feel it.

  • Open the windows. When the outside air isn't too hot or moist, open windows and doors and let natural ventilation cool off your home. Open them at nighttime, then seal the house in the mid-morning before it gets hot. That cool morning air should allow you to delay turning on the A/C a few hours.

  • Weatherize the house. Seal air leaks in the home's envelope, using weatherstripping, caulk or spray foam depending on the size and type of leak. Make sure the attic is well insulated to keep heated air from gravitating downward into your living spaces.

  • Schedule preventive maintenance. Before summer really heats up, schedule an A/C maintenance visit. This will ensure that your cooling system is ready to perform efficiently and effectively all summer long. Perform air-filter maintenance yourself at least monthly during the summer.

For more energy saving tips for this summer, please contact us at Air Assurance, providing quality HVAC services in the Broken Arrow area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Ondrej Supitar/StockSnap”

Air filters, Featured

Should You Change Your Air Filter More Frequently in the Summer?

Should You Change Your Air Filter More Frequently in the Summer? | Air Assurance

Summer brings substantial heat and humidity to our area, and that means air conditioners get a good workout. You probably know you should change your air filter to keep things running well, but you might hear different opinions on how often. Here are reasons you should play closer attention to the filter in summer and avoid letting it get too dirty.

When the HVAC System Works Harder, Filters Collect Dust Faster

Hot weather plays a big role on how frequently you will need to change your air filter. The more your air conditioner has to run, the more air blows through the filter. When more air is moving through the filter, greater amounts of particulates get trapped.Unless Oklahoma has an unusually cool and dry summer, which is very rare, then chances are you will be using your air conditioner a lot and it will work hard to keep your home comfortable. This means you should check your air filter every month during the season, even if you don’t think you will need to change it.

How Often to Change the Filter

Many air filters, especially the low cost ones, will need to be changed every month during summer. You will be able to see very quickly how much dust it has already collected.Thick, pleated filters can sometimes last longer without needing to be replaced, but you should still check them every month and avoid going longer than 3 months without replacing them. The only exception to this is if the manufacturer or your HVAC technician specifically states otherwise.

Why Dirty Filters are Harmful

One of the primary problems with dirty filters is they restrict the volume of air getting through. This places a burden on the air handler and in turn takes a toll on the entire system. Soiled filters can also lead to:

  • Frozen coils

  • Dirty ducts

  • Worsening allergies

  • Higher energy bills — the restricted airflow makes your air conditioner cycle more and expend more effort.

To learn more about air filters and your Broken Arrow home, please contact us at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Steve Heap/Shutterstock”