air filtration

Featured, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

What’s the Difference Between Air Filtration and Air Cleaning?

What’s the Difference Between Air Filtration and Air Cleaning?

The winter is generally too cold to open the windows and fill the house with fresh air. The air inside your home will recirculate through the HVAC system and eventually the indoor air quality will suffer. In order to handle this problem, consider the different benefits air filtration and air cleaning can provide for your home.

Air Filtration

When the house is sealed, the air repeatedly circulates through the HVAC system. Every time that it is heated, a small deposit of dirt is left on the furnace, which can cause the furnace to run less efficiently or become damaged. The holes in standard filters are spacious enough to permit air to flow easily but small enough to catch most particles of dirt.

If allergies are a serious concern, a standard filter don’t help to clean allergens from the air. High-rated MERV filters have tiny holes to trap allergens but the improved air filtration comes with a high price. The increased workload for the furnace will cause a steep increase to your heat bill.

Air Cleaning

Air cleaners can keep your furnace clean without increasing your heating bill. They also remove up to 99 percent of the dust, mold spores, pollen, dander and other particles that make your family sick.

Which One is Right?

If the furnace is your main concern, an air filtration system will take care of it nicely. On the other hand, if you have family with asthma or allergies, a high-rated MERV filter or an air cleaning system would probably be a better choice for you.

Air Assurance has had the honor of serving customers in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma for over a decade. If you have any concerns about your indoor air quality, call us today!

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “phloxii/Shutterstock”

Ductless Mini-Split Sy..., Featured, Service & Maintenance

Tips for Tackling Your Ductless Maintenance

Tips for Tackling Your Ductless Maintenance

Ductless systems are attractive to homeowners for many reasons. Some may appreciate the versatile installation options when no other option seemed practical. Zoned point-of-use operation and high efficiency components are certainly favorites when energy bills arrive. Low-profile components won't disturb those who enjoy peace and quiet. Whichever aspect of your ductless system you enjoy most, make the most of your system with regular ductless maintenance.

Tackling Ductless Maintenance

Like their larger central system cousins, ductless systems use the same components to provide efficient cooling and heating. They're just packaged differently -- more compact and accessible than central units. Stay on top of the following maintenance tips and enjoy better comfort and lower energy bills this summer:

  • Air filtration - It's important to keep the air filtration parts clean. The filters capture dust, germs and other contaminants to enhance indoor air quality and protect the evaporator coil and fan motor. Wash the filters by hand and let them air dry before you re-install them.

  • Coil cleaning - The evaporator coil is where heat exchange takes place. To access the coil, remove the air handling cabinet. Inspect the coil for mold development and dirt. Use a disinfectant foaming coil cleaner to clean the coil. Follow instructions thoroughly, as some foam sprays will drip away on their own and others you'll need to use a soft cloth to remove.

  • Drainage - The condensate pan is where condensation collects and is drained from your unit. Check the pan for signs of mold and algae. If you see any, pour a cup of 50/50 bleach and water solution into the pan.

  • Compressor/condenser unit - The unit located outside the home contains the compressor and condenser coil. These components need to be rinsed off each month you use your ductless system. A dirty condenser coil degrades cooling and heating efficiency, and a dirty compressor can overheat. Make sure the power is turned off for safety when you spray the unit with a garden hose.

For more information about ductless maintenance in your Broken Arrow home, please contact the experts at Air Assurance for the answers.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “concept w/Shutterstock”

Programmable, Thermostats

Tips For Choosing A Programmable Thermostat

Choosing appropriate programmable thermostats is essential to homes' energy efficiency and comfort. The most common choice and the best choice to meet both ends is to choose digital, programmable thermostats. It is important that homeowners understand what type of heating and cooling system is installed in their homes before purchasing a thermostat. Depending on what kind of comfort options your system provides, there may be specific features your thermostat must have to operate those functions appropriately.  Another tip, is to make sure you have a battery backup thermostat.  This way, if your power were to go out, your thermostat can use the batteries to hold the programs you have set.  This way, there is no need to reprogram the thermostat after the power comes back on. There are also several other tips for choosing the right thermostat for your home.We recommend evaluating your schedule to determine whether you need a 7-day thermostat, a 5+2-day thermostat or a 5+1+1 day model. A seven day model affords a homeowner the most flexibility. If your daily schedule changes, then this is the best model for you. Our preferred 7 day, programmable thermostat is the Pro8000.Not only is the Honeywell Vision Pro 8000 a 7-day thermostat, but it comes with innovations that only the pros can provide. The display is easy to use, in fact, it's probably the easiest user friendly thermostat we have ever come across. The back-light on the display makes it very simple to read. This is one of the most energy efficient Programmable Thermostats on the market. It even comes with an Energy Star rating. A programmable thermostat like this can add up to 33% savings on your utilities!Other features that set this thermostat apart from the competition are that it has a programmable fan mode (not just on and off) which can provide better air filtration schedules, precision temperature control, and that it has time-keeping capabilities that take daylight savings into account. Some models have the capability to also control humidity levels without the need of a seperate humidistat. Other variations can give you the outdoor temperature on the inside thermostat display! This is a very low maintenance system and comes with a 5 year standard warranty from Air Assurance.  For more information or to purchase  the Honeywell Vision Pro 8000 for your home, please contact us. We also have information to help you with all your air quality needs.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about programmable thermostats and other HVAC topics. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas.  To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.